The pressure is on while striving for the top
January 10, 2018
For the class of 2019, junior Anna Kasprzyk is currently ranked number 1 for the first time out of almost 500 students. Last year and the year prior, student Humberto Regalado claimed the number 1 rank while Anna was number 2. Although, Anna did not settle for this. Since then, Anna has been even more involved in her studies and putting lots of her time into school. Anna is involved in the National Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Physics Club, Higher Start Program, AP Classes, Advanced Classes, and Girls Varsity Golf Team.
“So how does it feel to be number 1?”
Anna answered “It feels very good and honoring to know all my dedication is paying off. This heavily depends on my future so it is important that I try my very best.”
“How much work do you put into it?”
She answered “I tend to put lots of my time into my school and responsibilities considering my crazy schedule. But a majority comes from taking care of my business in class, taking efficient notes, paying attention, asking questions, and reading over the material.”
“Is there lots of pressure?”
She answered “The pressure varies only if I let it get to me, if I get stressed out, or over think things. As long as a take care of my school work then there is no pressure.”
“How serious is it?”
She answered “My rank is very serious to me because this depends on my future and where I’m going in life. Also, I see others and how hard they work to improve their GPA and rank so that makes it even more serious and makes me work even harder.”
“Do you save time for yourself or to hang out with friends?”
Anna answered “Yes of course. I heavily believe in taking breaks and having time for yourself. It is important to also live your life and not take things so serious.”
In conclusion, your rank and working hard in school really does matter depending on what you want your future life to be like. Anna puts in work day in and day out improving everyday even with her crazy schedule. I believe she truly deserves her rank based off all she has done to get herself here.