Turning Points rolling out graduates

Lyndsay Prince, JBJ Staff

In the recent years, a program which helps students be successful in their high school career has become a hit at Corsicana High School.  Known as Turning Points, this program, ran by Edgenuity, is an online school which allows a student to complete a course at their own pace.  For students who have fallen behind, or need a certain class to meet graduation requirements, this is the best choice. Rhonda Dulworth and Shade Boulware, who run the program, have turned it into a major success, with graduation rates through the roof.  With more than 100 students enrolled, and an average of 20 graduates at semester, the students and faculty have shown their hard work.

As a student enrolled in Turning Points, I can attest to the fact that this program is very beneficial not only to students who are behind, but also to students who would like to get ahead.  With a full enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year, this year has been a very successful year for the Turning Points Program.