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Homecoming Tailgate Party

The Tailgate Party hosted by the Student Council will take place on Tuesday, October 11th at 6:00 in the student parking lot.
There will be a hot dog meal for $3.00 and students will be able to purchase an additional hotdog for $1.00. The cheerleaders will be performing and the Football team will definitely be making a grand entrance. The announcement of the 2011 homecoming King will also take place. There will be a dunking booth set up and anyone is able participate. They will also be offering “Booth” rentals
for any organization or group that would like to raise money. The organizations and groups may do face painting, sell tattoos, etc. and in the end a prize is going to be given to the best decorated booth, and the most spirited fan! So please come out and show off your tiger pride and help represent “The Home of the Champions”.

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