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Corsicana High School Student Media News Site

CHS Student Connection

Corsicana High School Student Media News Site

CHS Student Connection

Corsicana High School Student Media News Site

CHS Student Connection

Hector Vasquez, AVTech


Well how you doing? My name is Hector Vasquez and I’m in A/V Tech 2 and this is my second year. I’m a senior at your own CHS (Corsicana High School).  I am also ready to graduate to move on to college. I don’t know what college I’m going to yet but hopefully a university?? I had a great time at CHS and in A/V Tech my sophomore year so hopefully I’ll have even better time this year.! I’m drivin this year for my senior year!!! Hopefully I don’t get in a wreck in the parking lot lol! I have a brother and two cousins here at CHS but there one freshman and one sophomore and two that are juniors that are all my cousins. Yeah……….that’s a pretty big family just in CHS and there’s more Vasquez’s on the way. I enjoy bein in A/V Tech cause this is a fun class. In this class you can film and make videos and it’s pretty cool! The teacher is Mrs. Vandiver and she’s cool. I encourage people to come in and have a blast being on the computer and making video’s.! Believe me you won’t regret it.

All content by Hector Vasquez