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Juniors to prepare for SAT

Juniors speak out about their opinions of the SAT that is set for April 9, 2024.

April has finally arrived and it’s testing season for most students here at Corsicana High School. It is usually during this time where students tend to stress the most out of all their school year, however being prepared should be everyone’s goal.

SATs are one of the most important exams that Juniors will take as the scores take a portion in their presentation. These scores are sometimes required by colleges so it’s important to do well so that people can create a good image to them and possibly raise their chances of entering their dream colleges they have prepared in mind. That alone makes it very prominent on how serious the

SATs can be for students, and it will become an even bigger challenge as this is still one of the early years that the SAT will turn away from paper and move onto a digital version.
This means that previous methods of studying for the SAT may not be as useful as they once were with paper. There have been changes made between both the digital and paper version which tends to lead to mix reactions for both juniors and their teachers. The digital SAT is supposed to be 46 minutes shorter than the paper SAT, but because time is being cut so are the number of questions leaving behind 56 questions from the original version. As for the way that it is divided, the Reading and Writing section are no longer divided as they used to be, they have formed together, and the passages will be shorter. As for the Math section, there will no longer be a ‘no calculator’ and ‘calculator’ part, students will be able to use a calculator at all times during the Math section instead.

However, despite these changes no one should feel discouraged and give up. Moments like these are where people have to pull through and give it all their best. The next generation is the future, the dreams students have will soon turn to reality so it’s important to stay focused. The SAT may seem intimidating but with hard work and the right number of studies it will fly though. Tigers fighting!