Greenhands Grind

Krislyn Barton, Photography Editor

On September 9th 2017 the area VIII FFA association held their annual greenhand camp in Waco, TX. Greenhand camp is open to all freshman students who are participating in their first year of Agricultural Education. Students who attended the camp first heard a presentation given by the area officer committee, about who they were and how their role as an area officer comes into play. In the workshops the area officers spoke to the students about the importance of agriculture, and how we will have to feed our growing population in the near future. The freshman were divided into six different groups these groups were time management, finding where you belong in FFA, getting involved in FFA, SAEs, stepping out of one’s comfort zone, the importance of being a good leader and follower, official FFA dress, overcoming the fear of public speaking, and influencing others. After the workshops concluded, everyone enjoyed a lunch provided by Chick- Fil- A.