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Twitter is a social networking site. A website used to stay instantly connected to what’s most important to you. Follow your friends, favorite celebrities, and read about breaking news.

Aaron Cantu, Kirstin Richardson and Joe West are a few students from Corsicana High School that use twitter. What got Aaron started on this site is he wanted a way to keep up with sports. “I saw on ESPN that they used twitter a lot so I decided to get one. Now I can keep up with sports, in a fast easy way and get play by play!” Kirstin decided to get a twitter because it was new and not many people had one! Joe thought “random people got famous from twitter, Why can’t I?”

Once they started using Twitter they realized this is fun and always up to date! On Twitter, you can follow and keep in touch with your friends in a faster easier way other than Facebook! Also, you can follow celebrities and athletes, see what is going on in their lives, and know about upcoming events they’re performing or playing at. Sometimes famous people follow you back or they might even retweet one of your tweets!

Joe was recently retweeted by rapper Roscoe Dash.

“I tweeted about one of his new songs, he saw it, and retweeted me.” said West. “It really makes you feel cool that people of that stature actually see and appreciate what you’re saying.” When someone retweets you, it boosts your confidence. It is cool to see other people having the same thoughts as you!

While using Facebook sometimes you feel obligated to add people because they have sent you a request, twitter is different. On twitter, you have followers, people that want to see what you post. If you do not want to see what they post, you simply do not follow back!

Kirstin says “the more followers the better.” You can meet new people that have the same interest as you! When you follow celebrities they tweet “Crazy, entertaining, funny and informing” says Aaron.

Twitter is an exciting website that is uprising, set up your twitter and follow your fellow tigers!

Aaron@AaronCantu3, Kirstin@KIRSTINleeRICH, and Joe@Joe_West10 at